The Benefits of Registering for the Secure Provider Site
The secure provider site offers you convenient, around-the-clock access to:
- Search members and eligibility
- View member medical, pharmacy and dental plan information
- Search claims and view claim processing status
- Submit online claim review request
- Access code auditing guidelines
- View practice reports and individual practitioner reports
- Find medical policies, quality policies, payment policies, and more.
Not a registered user yet?
It is simple to request secure account access. Simply click on “Register” in the login area at the right of the screen. This will take you to a registration page where you can choose a user ID and password.
- You will be prompted to enter some basic identifying details such as your name, email address, and relationship to CDPHP.
- Be sure to read and agree to our confidentiality agreement.
- Assuming everything checks out, you will be notified by email that your online privileges have been granted.
Help us maintain a secure environment
The privacy and security of member and provider information is of the utmost importance to CDPHP. To safeguard the secure data in our system, please obtain a unique user ID and password for each authorized employee.
- Never share user names and passwords, or pass these on to a third party.
- Users are required to select a new password every 90 days.
Inactive accounts will be deactivated
Provider accounts that remain inactive for longer than 120 days will be deactivated automatically. Affected users will be prompted via email to re-register to regain access. We are taking these steps to assure that only qualified users have access to secure member and provider information.