Making Electronic Medical Records a Reality
What is HIXNY?
CDPHP is a strong supporter of Hixny— Healthcare Information Xchange of New York—a local, not-for-profit consortium that is helping health care providers securely access patients’ electronic medical records, so they can work together to better coordinate your care.
Why are electronic medical records important?
Electronic medical records help eliminate the need for duplicate testing and make your care safer. In a medical emergency, the doctor treating you may not have time to track down critical information about your allergies, prescription history, and medical conditions. If your medical records are available via Hixny, it could literally save your life.
What can I do to make sure my records are available through HIXNY?
Your doctor, health plan, or other health care provider may ask you sign a Hixny consent form, or opt-in over the phone or on a computer. In doing so, you agree to allow your providers to access your records online. This safe and secure exchange of information saves everyone time and money.
Why does CDPHP need my health information?
Member data helps us personalize your care, ensuring you are making the most of your benefits, and staying as healthy as possible. We will never use the information we receive through Hixny to determine your benefits or deny payment for covered services.
If you would like to give your consent to CDPHP, please log in to your member account or contact member services.